Kinabatangan River, Borneo - July 2009

Current Location


S. Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo


15 June 2010

New England Primate Santuary has gone probos-crazy!!

Already half way through my time in Oxford and it is flying by! Actually getting a good amount of work done, which, at the rate I had been going at the last few months, is impressive.

The biggest thing I've accomplished here thus far (besides daily dosages of world cup!), is a couple blogs for the New England Primate Sanctuary on proboscis monkeys!! The first one, which is OUT NOW!, is just introducing these lovely monkeys and giving a bit of background in why they are so interesting (according to me - you may disagree, but I doubt it ;) !!) And soon out will be one about the threats proboscis monkeys are facing - namely deforestation, and talking mostly about palm oil, as that is one thing that people from any where in the world can actually do something about!

So here is the link to the blog! I think I'll be adding to it throughout the summer with all the different primates I'll be with! Keep checking this link for more, and there are other contributors as well, so you can learn a lot (I think) from this site!!!

1 comment:

  1. New England Primate Sanctuary is grateful for your blog entries. With recent updates to our "Letters From the Field", we've changed the link. Danica's first proboscis monkey blog can be found at and the second at
