Kinabatangan River, Borneo - July 2009

Current Location


S. Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo


04 June 2010

Welcome to the Blog World, Danica!

So this is my first attempt at blogging, and I'm not to sure what exactly I am doing, and what this blog will become. But as I am terrible at updating my friends and family about what I am up too, and with everything going on this summer, I am hoping this will be the best way for everyone to be a part of this summer with me!
I'm also wanting to be able to share the issues along my travels that I think are important, with the hope to involve everyone in the role of taking action and taking a stand! I want everyone to understand what is happening around the world (and also why I am doing what I am doing, even though I'm in a field in which I will probably never really make any money in! :s )

So, as brief as I can make this:

For this summer, I'm starting off in Jakarta for a couple of days for a well deserved reunion ;), before I head over to Sulawesi and spend some time with Buton Macaques!! Then I'll be off to Sabah, Borneo to join my proboscis monkey friends one more time!!! After 2 weeks of proboscis and orang-utan and who know what else fun, I'm going to catch up with some lovely ladies in Kuala Lumpur before I head back to Java and spend some more well-deserved ;) time at a primate rehabilitation centre. And finally to round off the summer of island hopping, I'll be ending it in Japan for an exciting conference and opportunity to meet  and reunite with my fellow primatologists from alll over the world!

Island hopping begins in one week with England. I can't wait!



  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! Love your blog title ;)

    I can't wait to follow your adventures and random thoughts this summer.

  2. I'm so glad you're doing this Danica! We'll be following your adventures carefully. Please say hi to all your friends - primate and otherwise.

  3. Yay Danica! You'll have a fabulous time. Thanks for letting us in on your adventures. Loveya, Auntie Karen

  4. Really looking forward to keeping up with you on your travels. You're having an amazing time in your life - enjoy. Be safe. We'll be thinking of you.
    Lots of love and hugs, Agnes & David
