Kinabatangan River, Borneo - July 2009

Current Location


S. Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo


17 November 2010

More from BRINCC!!

Just wanted to let you all know that there is another way you can support the BRINCC expedition, and just in time for the holidays!!! So far we've got 2011 Calendars (made by yours truely); T-shirts - which are organic, fair trade AND carbon neutral - how cool is that!; and wonderful cotton carrier bags so you don't have to use those plastic bags any more and you can proudly show off your support for BRINCC everywhere you go!
Just check out the website for pictures, sizes, details and to purchase to your hearts content!

Also, I'm just over half way to my goal for my personal fundraising...thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far, and thank you in advance for those of you who just haven't gotten to it yet but will soon!!
Every penny counts so please visit where you can make a tax-exempt or gift aid donation through the University of Oxford. Just click on the *BRINCC* option in the list provided, and the rest remains the same! Remember to also send an email to saying it is towards "Danicas personal fundrasing goal" <3
2011 Calendar - £7
Featuring 12 stunning photographs of wildlife.  Each page is kindly sponsored by a conservation organisation working to help conserve these precious species.

BRINCC Expedition T-Shirts -£17
Ladies' T-shirt - Organic, FairTrade and Carbon Neutral!
Priced £17, all proceeds going to Indonesian staff wages for the expedition.
Small, Medium and Large sizes available - green or grey
Please also check out the Men's t-shirts with the same design, available in green and dark red!
BRINCC Cotton Bag -£3 

01 November 2010

a short update and what - a new blog?! oh ya!


After spending 4 weeks back in England, I packed it all up and went on a long flight - however I didn't quite make it back to Canada, went the opposite direction in fact! After spending 2 cold-foot days in London finally catching up with one of my cousins and seeing my lovely friend Vicki from La bundo bundo, I got on a plane heading back to Southeast Asia, and I am now currently sitting back in the forests of the Kinabatangan River watching macaques wandering outside the window.

So far I have been able to spend my mornings and evenings out on the river with the proboscis monkeys which has been a real treat! They are just so silly! We have been watching the same troop for a couple of days, but yesterday was great - there was this thin tree next to the big sleeping tree that these monkeys just love - there might not be much to it, but it apparently is a wonderful bed for at least 3 monkeys at a time. Anyways, after waking up and scratching and stretching for a bit, this one individual decided it was time for a little exercise and starting using her body to sway the tree back and forth multiple times before going for the big leap into the neighboring tree. Then she would climb back up to the small tree and leap again into the big one - this happened 7 times! hehe! gave us time to take some videos and attempt a picture, but leaping monkeys are hard to capture! I should have more chances as a bunch of monkeys were climbing it this morning and leaping off, but my camera was dead :( Here is my attempt thus far (its a bit blurry, sorry!)
I also wanted to let you all know (those of you who care i guess!) that my sister and I are joining up and doing a photo blog - I was inspired by her "take a picture a day for a year" mission she was on, and wanted to join in! We will be alternating days posting pics and following a theme for the week, kind of a comparison between city and jungle life! I'm very excited!  Plus it will be another way that I can keep in touch and update whoever wants an update, since I really do need all the help i can get to keep in touch! The site is called CitytoJungle and you can find it here: !

But I am still going to keep this blog as updated as possible!! Happy times!

Love D